01. AVIJÉ / Marching Through London

02. Communicant / The Day / Harbor Song

03. Le Commandant Couche-Tôt / Prelude (feat. Tremendous Aron) /

04. Rosie Lowe / In My Head

05. Ruby Wood / My Favourite Song (Quiet Dawn Remix) / Sincerely Remixed / First Word Records

06. Mytron / Arizona / VA Sofa Elsewhere CC / Bongo Joe

07. Jeannette Azzouz & Belles Combo / So Close to Me / VA Sofa Elsewhere CC / Bongo Joe

08. Lee Jackson Band / Call On Me / VA John Gómez and Nick the Record present TANGENT / Mr Bongo

09. LTA (Love The Action) / What Comes To Ya? / John Gómez and Nick the Record present TANGENT / Mr Bongo

10. Kylie Auldist / LYB (Love You Better) (The Waz Exclusive Trunk Of Funk Remix) / VA The Craig Charles Trunk Of Funk Vol. 3 / BBE

11. Dave Lee & Omar / Starlight / VA The Craig Charles Trunk Of Funk Vol. 3 / BBE

12. Footshooter / Here To Learn feat. Andre Espeut / Tru Thoughts 

13. Nicola Conte / Life Forces (Joaquin's Sacred Rhythm Version) / Far Out Recordings